Why SMP has a lower risk of infection than hair transplant?

Scalp Micropigmentation uses micro tattooing needles to deliver a very refine and natural look of hair follicles. Creating such a great illusion that resembles natural hair follicles needs precise execution of procedure by implementing all pigments(designed tattoo color) down an incorrect layer of skin, as results we can reach a 3D natural look of follicles on the scalp. For alopecia totalis with asymmetrical hairline design results form a buzz cut look. For the Density fill procedure that is being used for Alopecia Areata or general hair thinning, in which hair loss is partial or spot hair loss, SMP will create a great blend look that completely covers empty spots. For scar treatments from hair transplantation and specifically FUT, Scalp Micropigmentation fade away scars with a great rate of success. This technique uses tattooing that’s why PixelPigments has created a standard for it as preparation before SMP, which focuses on the safety of clients and procedure.

Hair transplant uses two major techniques like FUT and FUE to relocate and regrowth hair follicles from donor grafts to empty or less dense spots. FUT causes a mark and scar area usually the back of the head which needs anesthesia and must be done by a surgeon. Cutting through the skin can be painful and have a long recovery, also it can increase the risk of infection. FUE technique does not create any scars back of the head as all grafts are collected one by one, however; it has some risk of infection, Higher transaction rate, Keloid, Epithelial cyst. The recovery period is up to 5 days, in most cases, regrowth will occur after 6 to 9 months.

Based on PixelPigment’s safe treatment guideline every procedure must be done after the first examination or consultation session. As SMP considered cosmetic non-surgical treatment doing procedure does not require anesthesia or even use of numbing agents can be limited base on the client’s level of pain during the procedure. However, using microneedle and hundreds of sharp insertion through the skin can cause bleeding, skin redness and skin irritations also if safety factors related to bloodborne pathogens or infectious microorganisms in human blood is not in consideration it can increase the risk of infections.

PixelPigment’s safe treatment guideline, require checking all individual’s medical history with their consent in detail as needed. Safe guidelines require clients to share any blood infection disease, for the safety of PixelPigment’s practitioner and other clients. PixelPigement’s safe treatment guideline requires for all client to share their medication such as blood thinners, as this medication can cause extra bleeding and they can affect the Pigments Holding Ability or PHA of the scalp. When all client’s information has been collected, a procedure will be tailored for each individual base on needs and requests. All safe factors are in consideration and guideline is a great help to follow and prevent risks during the procedure. PixelPigment’s safe treatment guideline is always in update and revision as the guideline’s goal is to a higher standard in every procedure with a great transition experience for each treatment.


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